Notice regarding the submission of share documents
The Management Board of Arctic Paper Kostrzyn S.A. with its registered office in Kostrzyn nad Odrą, Poland, National Court Register No. KRS 0000082646 (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), hereby informs that the Company has commenced the process of calling upon shareholders in accordance with Article 16 of the Act of 30 August 2019 amending the Act - Commercial Companies Code and certain other acts (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1798, as amended) to submit their held documents of registered shares for dematerialisation.
The call contains information that the share documents should be submitted at the Company's office, ul. Fabryczna 1, PL66470 Kostrzyn nad Odrą, Poland, on business days (Monday through Thursday), from 10:00 to 13:00.
The submission of share documents at the Company is confirmed by a written acknowledgment issued to the shareholder.
The first call was made on 11 September 2020, in a manner appropriate for convening the Company's general meeting.