Arctic Paper Kostrzyn S.A. invites tenders to participate in a competitive bidding process to select a Contractor for the implementation of the project:
Construction of the Arctic Paper PV II Wschód-Zachód (Arctic Paper PV II East-West) solar PV farm of an approximate output of 16 MWp, including the accompanying infrastructure.
ul. Fabryczna 1
66-470 Kostrzyn nad Odrą, Poland
National Court Register no: KRS 0000082646
for which the Issuer of the Tender Notice is applying for funding under the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management’s programme, titled "Support for energy-intensive industry."
For detailed information regarding the procedure and project documentation please contact:
Zbigniew Wesołowski: zbigniew.wesolowski@arcticpaper.com
Sławomir Sytek : slawomir.sytek@arcticpaper.com
Deadline for submitting offers: by 23 June 2023, at 24:00 (midnight).
The Tender Issuer reserves the right to select a suitable offer, as well as to cancel the tender without providing any reason.
FRIDAY, 9 June 2023